Conceptualizing Stages of Transfer Sophistication Within Football Clubs

The article discusses parallels between supply chain management principles and the business operations of football clubs, particularly the transfer market. Peter Kraljic’s 1983 work on supply management is presented as a guiding framework. Current football operations can be classified into four stages with varying complexities and importance of transfers. Clubs should employ strategies congruent with their identified stage and should consider integrating data analysis, global scouting, and cross-department communication to optimize their positioning.
Read More Conceptualizing Stages of Transfer Sophistication Within Football Clubs

The Data-“Eye-Test” Spectrum in Football Analysis

The data-vs-eyes debate in football is not a dichotomy but a spectrum. Without any videos, you miss out on precious information. Without any data, you miss out on precious information. If you really want to answer (or begin to answer) a specific question, you’ll need to ensure you place yourself as close to the optimal location on the spectrum as possible… Read More The Data-“Eye-Test” Spectrum in Football Analysis

Defensive Transition: Shifting My Lens From Attack to Defense

If you were to look at almost any event from an attacking/in possession lens, you will likely come to a different answer to the question “why did that happen?” than if you viewed that event through a defensive lens. I’ve been trying to change my perspective recently, and this article documents some of my thoughts.… Read More Defensive Transition: Shifting My Lens From Attack to Defense

Moving Towards Better Data Analysis of Defensive Play: One Proof of Concept – Pressures

This is a first step towards trying to get a better view of defenders and defensive skills using event data. I examine ball receipts under pressure and subsequent actions to see if attackinng-player-focused event data can be used as a proxy for defensive actions… Read More Moving Towards Better Data Analysis of Defensive Play: One Proof of Concept – Pressures